How to make more funny videosl


New Member
Hiyaa My channel is CAITSPLACE and I do comedy videos:)

I really need some help on how to make funny rants., because the videos I make in my opinion arnt as funny as they could be.

Any tips I would appreciate:) x
hey, i saw your latest video "how to annoy your brother" and I thought that type of comedy was hillarious, you should do more of it. (i subbed btw)
however I looked at some other videos, you had good rants however I think to make it funnier is to make poeple pay attention to what you are saying and this is by angle you film, the sound quality and the way you edit the videos
filming angle: try to have the camera closer to your face so we can see you better. also have more lighting in the room, you can even adjust the lighting in adobe after effects (or other eidting programs).
the sound quality: you can have the camera closer for better sound, or buy a good mic so we can hear you better
the way you edit: add more jumpcuts, i feel that they are very intresting and fun. also maybe try to act your charaters, wear coustumes try putting your self closer and further in the screen shot in jump cuts

hope this helps, good luck on you channel :)
To be honest I think comedy is much simpler then people realize.

1, Timing - One of the hardest things to perfect but the concept is simple. Fast and to the point will catch people unawares and get a decent belly giggle.
2, Delivery - Some people are better at this then others. With comedy make sure your not "presenting" because the personal touch is a winner.

Good luck.
Twist your life stories just a tad bit to make it interesting, unless you already got a really funny story / rant.
I use these techniques in my videos.

1) Energy, but not over the top.
2) What is "Funny" is usually what is not expected. Random. But this is hard to understand sometimes because you can be so random that it's dumb and not funny. I like to set people up and turn it around a direction you don't see coming. (It also keeps it entertaining)
3) Go over what you want to talk about in your head before you actually film it.
4) Do it when your ready. I use to try and force it and it didn't turn out the best. (not to be crude) but it's like pooping. There are times, when its ready and its quick and awesome! and times you force it and its a let down.

Those are my thought.
I use these techniques in my videos.

1) Energy, but not over the top.
2) What is "Funny" is usually what is not expected. Random. But this is hard to understand sometimes because you can be so random that it's dumb and not funny. I like to set people up and turn it around a direction you don't see coming. (It also keeps it entertaining)
3) Go over what you want to talk about in your head before you actually film it.
4) Do it when your ready. I use to try and force it and it didn't turn out the best. (not to be crude) but it's like pooping. There are times, when its ready and its quick and awesome! and times you force it and its a let down.

Those are my thought.

not over the top...

I'd also think that some cuts in the vlog style videos could help. It doesn't automatically make you funnier but it can be a way to make the audience understand that something important has just been said. You know..a bit like the fake clapping in tv shows.