How to make a matching avatar?


'Cause Grades.
So I made a banner for TalkGeektoMe. I love it, took me like an hour xD BUt the avatar, quite frankly, sucks. I just put it there to have something. So what can I do to make an avatar that matches that banner? Ideas? Thanks ya'll :D
I guess you could use a drawing version of yourself, by using Cinema4d or get a software that can turn an image of yourself into a drawing, use that drawing against a green screen, and Vwolla!!
I guess you could use a drawing version of yourself, by using Cinema4d or get a software that can turn an image of yourself into a drawing, use that drawing against a green screen, and Vwolla!!
I already have an animated picture of myself that I used on my old channel for a while, but I'm not sure I want that avatar again :/
I honestly don't know then mate, sorry!! I know, get yourself on green screen, and create a hologram version of yourself, and do it in a way like your coming out of your laptop/Phone. that'll be different.
I honestly don't know then mate, sorry!! I know, get yourself on green screen, and create a hologram version of yourself, and do it in a way like your coming out of your laptop/Phone. that'll be different.
That sounds awesome! Only problem is lack of a green screen :P
not a problem at all... if you have an old green bed sheet, pin the top half to the ceiling and the other half to the floor, spread it out completely... then stand there and take a snapshot of yourself.... telling you that hologram thingy gave me an idea of a background. don't worry completely different to the idea I gave you!! I hope this helps!!!
not a problem at all... if you have an old green bed sheet, pin the top half to the ceiling and the other half to the floor, spread it out completely... then stand there and take a snapshot of yourself.... telling you that hologram thingy gave me an idea of a background. don't worry completely different to the idea I gave you!! I hope this helps!!!
I'll look into it :) But TBH it sounds complicated xD And the fact that I don't have a green bedsheet :P