How to make a channel trailer

Christopher Johnson

I Bring You Good Things!
Anyone got advice on how to make a good channel trailer?​
what should I have in it?​
Do I need effects?​
Any help would be nice :D
The shorter the better, remember you're trying to suck people in so the first 10 seconds needs to be really eye-catching so that people will want to stay and listen to what you have to say.
Probably 10 ~ 30 seconds is good.
Effects is optional, it's essentially just an advert to get people excited to watch more of your stuff; so take from that what you will.
a phew effects could be nice, but the trailer should primarily show what your channel is all about and the viewer should also see how you as a presenter/commentator/... are.
i think the trailer should contain everything your channel represents in short. everything you would consider important and what you think describes your channel the best. in the background some good sound effects (sound effects are more important than everybody thinks^^) and some good music. (if you want you can use my music, it's royalty free)

for the design, maybe part of your videos, maybe show yourself talking or, show your channel name in a cool art or something like that. the options are endless^^
Richnode it's just his awesome Belgian accent ;P

i keep switching my trailer for non-subscribers to whatever video I think folks might like. I don't have a specific trailer for my channel so I don't know!
Check out my trailer, I think it's a bit non-standard but since I've put it up I've seen an increase in new subs.

I'm still losing closed accounts like nobodies business but I'm on my way to replacing them or possibly gaining quicker.
I have a question,
How do i make a good trailer as a gaming channel, should i just show gameplay when i talk? or something else?