How to make a channel art?

I believe you can now get Photoshop CS2 for free from Adobe themselves. I got it there from a friend who linked me. After that, you can just download a PSD for a template, and then just go crazy with it.
I use which is pretty cheap and powerful (especially with its user created free plugins , including a PSD file plugin) useful for opening templates that are for photoshop
How do I make a channel art, do in need to download something? Preferably free or at least cheap, where do I do it?

For optimal results on all devices they recommend uploading a single 2560 X 1440 pxbut what people will see is 2560 X 423 px
1546 X 423 px
(this is the “Safe area” given that text & logos will not be cut off)

you can use photoshop, illustrator or paint to do this

Good luck :)