How to introduce myself?

It depends on what your content you are going to be making or already make, you want to let people know about who you are and what you plan to do or do on your channel, you dont want to tell them too much about yourself but enough to get a picture of who you are and what you stand for or what your going to be doing.

I would do it in the following format myself:

Introduce yourself with details such as your name, country, age and a little about some of the things you enjoy doing such as hobbies etc.

Introduce what your channel is going to be all about and tell people what they can expect to find and how it could be valuable to them (that last one can be hard to figure out but it really helps) this could be your channel will feature rock solid parenting advice for struggling new mums (random example). I wouldnt worry too much about adding something like that but it can help including something like that.

Wrap it up with a thank you and optionally please subscribe to see my upcoming videos.

Hope that helps :)
You make cute videos! I would keep the style that you already have and maybe do some of those scenic shots but involving you and have a voice over talking about you
Yeah, if you are talking about a welcome to my channel type of video, definitely do what Michael says. But if you are just looking to include vloggy type stuff as another type of video, there are a lot of Tag videos out there, including 25 facts about me, TMI, small you tuber, etc. Find one with questions you like!