Hey fellow You-Tubers,
I recently started my channel on getting good sleep using sleep theme sounds but I need help in promoting the channel as a brand and getting more people to subscribe to it.
Any ideas?
I get views and subscribers on youtube by ranking my video on both youtube and Google. To be able to start ranking your videos for more views I follow these 7 strategies
**Watch time**.....Now when it comes to ranking videos on youtube watchtime plays a big role....YouTube has gone on the record several times even on Youtube Creator Academy to let creators know that they prefer to rank and promote videos with lots of accumulated Watch Time(Search and discovery on YouTube - YouTube.png (
Search and discovery on YouTube - YouTube.png))
2. Secondly Most YouTube viewers judge a video based on
**the first 15 seconds** of content. So it’s important to hook viewers as soon as they start watching.
3. The next video ranking factor is the
**TSC tag formula** which I learned from Brian Dean an SEo wizard and the owner of the backliko website.The TSc formula is a strategy of tagging your videos when you are in the process of uploading it on youtube for higher rankings
T stands for targeted keywords 2 to 3 to be added to your tags
S stands for synonim keywords 2 to 3 to be added to your tags
C stands for category keywords 2 to 3 to be add to your tags
4. The third ranking factor will be to
**have your video suggested on other videos**, that means the more your video get suggested the more views you will get which will all lead to higher rankings
5. The fourth ranking factor is
**Optimizing your video description**
6. The next ranking factor is on
**Boosting your click through rate**
7. The last ranking factor is
**strategically promote your videos**
Watch the video below to get details of each of these steps