How To Get YouTube Videos Removed By YouTube Staff


New Member
Please help me guys.

I have a lot of videos of me on YouTube which I no longer want to be up, but I don't have access to the accounts anymore. (A couple of the accounts aren't mine either). What I did last year was spent some time going through the videos one by one and flagging them with a privacy complaint and reporting for infringing my privacy rights. This worked but only to a degree - for some reason YouTube don't actually delete the video - they only block the video in your country but it can still be viewed by the rest of the world. Also, someone can quite easily use a VPN and still find & watch videos in this country (and if they want to, just download and reupload the video). So, it doesn't really solve the problem at all.
The weirdest thing is that I'm sure in one case the video was actually deleted. I'm not sure what I did differently which lead to that customer support agent actually deciding to delete rather than block. But it suggests to me that there is some way of actually getting these things deleted.

Any ideas?
Unless the videos actually violate the community guidelines, then no one at YouTube is going to remove them.
Unless the videos actually violate the community guidelines, then no one at YouTube is going to remove them.

What about if I flag them for a copyright violation? I think they get removed off the site then. How easy is it to get that done?

Anyone else got any ideas?
You can't "flag" them for a copyright violation!!!!
You could file a copyright claim, but that would be illegal in this case and could have consequnces.