how to get the most out of your PC?


where the fields are green and the air fresh
hai ya all.

i have a computer with 4GB RAM, i5 intel quadcore of 2,27GHz and a GPU GeForce GT280
for those who dont know, basicly, the processor is good, the graphics card kinda lets down a lot. now i know of ways to improve preformance of games by making it having acces to more RAM, but this only slowed down for some reason. if any of you know a way to improve your PC's performance without overclocking, updating the specs or making the game having more RAM to use i would like to hear it.
also if you know any websites that can help me update the GPU drivers for free i would love to hear it as well, because those are also outdated. the problem is that everytime i seem to have found the way to update them, i need to download a program that searches for updateble drivers, and then makes me pay 30 bucks to update em... thats not happing unless there is no other way.

plz help, thanks for reading :)
hai ya all.

i have a computer with 4GB RAM, i5 intel quadcore of 2,27GHz and a GPU GeForce GT280
for those who dont know, basicly, the processor is good, the graphics card kinda lets down a lot. now i know of ways to improve preformance of games by making it having acces to more RAM, but this only slowed down for some reason. if any of you know a way to improve your PC's performance without overclocking, updating the specs or making the game having more RAM to use i would like to hear it.
also if you know any websites that can help me update the GPU drivers for free i would love to hear it as well, because those are also outdated. the problem is that everytime i seem to have found the way to update them, i need to download a program that searches for updateble drivers, and then makes me pay 30 bucks to update em... thats not happing unless there is no other way.

plz help, thanks for reading :)
Gamebooster :
and deleting stuff, ( if you have less than %GB of space left)

other then that you`ll need to upgrade :p
well the upgrading part is also the problem. i cant disassamble the computer because it is a all-in-one PC. if could i would have bought a new GPU a long time ago.
But if ya buy a new gpu then yu should automaticly buy have more ram lol xD What ya can do is maybe build yer own pc or just buy a new one xD But yu can also update your gpu drivers xD And btw ya dont have to play decent games xD Other games can also beh lots of fun like less demanding games xD
But if ya buy a new gpu then yu should automaticly buy have more ram lol xD What ya can do is maybe build yer own pc or just buy a new one xD But yu can also update your gpu drivers xD And btw ya dont have to play decent games xD Other games can also beh lots of fun like less demanding games xD
im saving for one. you know that, i already tollt you at school :P
and its because i wanna play saints row, since it fits my retardetness. :D
XD I know and it also fits my retardness xDD Ummm... GET A CONSOLE XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
im saving for one. you know that, i already tollt you at school :P
and its because i wanna play saints row, since it fits my retardetness. :D
XD I know and it also fits my retardness xDD Ummm... GET A CONSOLE XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
im getting a wiiU if i got !LEVEL UP! at school from my parents. but then i have another problem... capturecard.