How to get popular on YouTube


I Love YTtalk
In this thread we can share our tips on how to get popular on YouTube, if you have any tips that you think might help others become popular please share them here so we have a variety of input :)

For me I believe its largely appeal and consistency, if you market your videos to your audience well, present them well and regularly enough you will become popular, whether that's on YouTube as a whole or within the niche you choose. I think becoming popular within a niche is far more easier to achieve than on YouTube as a whole.

Just uploading and never promoting your videos I believe is the big downfall of many, they will upload a video and never really promote it, not on YouTube nor external websites. I think you should try and get your word out as much as possible, I am not saying spam people although I cant say that doesn't work because it can work for some people.

I also think that a lot of people dont have that appeal within their niche, for example you could be a vlogger and you do daily vlogs, they dont always have that special something about them and I believe that is what most people need, that special something, whether you appeal to people because of your personality or humour or the style of videos you make, it has to have something that makes it stand out amongst the crowd and I think that can apply to almost anyone's videos. If yours stand out, they will get somewhere with the right promotion and networking.

What do you think it takes to get popular on there? Share your thoughts and ideas :)
Just uploading and never promoting your videos I believe is the big downfall of many, they will upload a video and never really promote it, not on YouTube nor external websites. I think you should try and get your word out as much as possible, I am not saying spam people although I cant say that doesn't work because it can work for some people.

I couldn't agree more. Some people expect that people would watch their videos without even sharing them. Unless you already have a big and steady fan base, then you could just upload videos without promoting them. I suggest you use, if possible, all the social media sites you know, and share your videos there. Who knows, your video might get viral.

Interact with other YouTubers. Comment on their videos, and if you get lucky, your comment might get top rated. Obviously, there will be some people who would be curious and they'd check out your channel.
There is so many youtubers right now trying to break in. The most important factor is do videos that you find fun and make sure their unique. If not the audience will see right through it.
Make videos because you want to not because you're trying to become popular.

With that being said, certain genre's of videos and certain people will do better than others. Some examples, I feel as if daily vlogs (unless you're already popular) have slim chances on blowing up and attracting a healthy number of subscribers. Also, this may be controversial but it is what it is: young, white-Justin Bieber-esque, Asian, or British kids will generally fair better than others I have found and most likely will get more promo from YouTube themselves.