How to get noticed


New Member
I am 12 and have been on you tube for about over a month and was wondering if anyone had advice or would give me a shoutout btw i do gaming vids
Before you even start to think about what you want to do on YouTube you should ask yourself if you even want to do it. Taking each Week Hours of your spare Free Time does cost a lot.

Don`t waste your time...

While your Friends are playing outside or having some fun at the local Ice Store you will spent your time at your Place and doing your thing. I`m unsure if you really would like to do that since, while I can only speak for myself, if I would be still a Kid I would spent every free Minute at the local Basketball court instead of sitting at Home and playing some Video Game.

...because you will otherwise regret it very soon.

After this is said you should take a look at other Let`s Play Channels to get a feeling for what nowadays everyone is expecting from you if you start a Gaming YouTube Channel with Gameplay Trailer.

It`s all about the Quality...

Don`t get me wrong but the Times where blurry Videos have been a Magnet for Views are over. People expect from you the best Picture you can currently get or otherwise they will move to a different Channel where they can get it.

...since you wouldn`t watch a blurry Gameplay Trailer too, would you?

Your first priority should be the quality of your recordings. After that you should take a look at your Content. Uploading the 1.000.000. Walkthrough of some Call of Duty Game won`t help you at all.

Know your competitor...

Before I did start my YouTube Channel I did took a hole Month in which I did collect as much Information I could get about any YouTube Channel that does something similar as I were going to do and did literally spent hours while I had some spare free time at Work to breakdown those and extract the information I needed to be sure that I could compete with them.

...otherwise you won`t survive the first Year.

The first Year is the hardest. During it you will see Channels growing up while your own one won`t even reach 10.000 Views in a Month and you will constantly ask yourself if it`s all worth it.

Every Day will be a constant Battle with yourself since you will see so much hate, greedy and pretty much such a bad behavior of people you have looked up for such a long time that it will sometimes take your breath away if you are build close to the water and not used to that kind of pressure every day.

Money shouldn`t be the first reason why you start the hole thing...

Never ever! You will be already doomed from the first day you start with the attitude I`m doing it for the Money and because I`ll become famous since you won`t have a breath that will be long enough to become it in the End.

...even if everyone else will tell you that you are doing it because of it.

It even doesn`t matter if you are able to monetize anything at all or like in my Case not even able to since YouTube doesn`t offer the YouTube Partnership Program at your Place.

You will get literally every day hate mails or messages on Twitter/Facebook/... from folks you don`t know and even from those that you have looked up for a long times that will try to blacklist you or call you out for simply doing what you do just because of the Money.

Don`t count on your Friends...

They will even go that far to try some public stunts to discredit you in front of the Public and try to blame it on someone else in front of you while they will keep watching how you will react.

...or even those that pretend to be on your Side.

Let`s face it. The more success you will have the less true friends you will end up with so choose each of your steps carefully and never let a discussion heat up and let you say something that you will regret at the same moment after you have said it.
Listen to your audience....

Those are that can make you raise or fall so make sure you listen to those from the first Day.
  • If they tell you that they can`t hear you since your microphone is making some noise while recording buy a new One that doesn`t do that.
  • If they tell you that the Resolution is to low, buy a new gear that does increase it...
  • If they tell you to put Content X Online, do that...
  • If they tell you to jump, ask them how high...
...because without them you won`t survive a single Day.
That would be it. If you are still wanna do it the hole World is open up to you and you have some pretty good chances to became the next Ray William Johnson if you keep following the other advises you might read somewhere else how to became famous on YouTube.
Yeah Sanuku Gave you ALOT Of good advice. You're gonna get get noticed really fast isms takes ALOT Of patience
The kids must be outside not on the computer!
I was shoked when i found out there was partnership given to kids...
One thing... people don't take you seriously is you sound like a kid, which I learned the hard way. You are best off waiting a few years for a voice deepening before you try to take it to the next level.
There are already kids getting in the partnership program.
I've seen a few..
9 years old doing minecraft let's plays and another guy at 12.

The kids must be outside not on the computer!
I was shoked when i found out there was partnership given to kids...
This thread is very interesting.

First off, even if Sanuku's post is harsh, I like it beacause it's the truth. You do YouTube because you have a hard on passion for new medias and what you're doing. It makes you wake up in the morning and sleep at night. There's no other reason.

I have a problem with a couple posters here however, why are you telling this kid to "go outside instead of wasting your time here" I don't understand this position.
Wanna know my story? I started videos by making Vlogs in 2009 on a very old channel of mine, I was way overweight and hardly had friends apart from my little social group, Vlogging is what got me out of the bad state I was when I was 15. I'm 18 now and a proud workolohic, I think and eat YouTube every day of the week (as my videos require more than a week of editing) , I always think about new tricks and reinvent myself.

So if this guy thinks that it's his thing and gets on to it, why would you tell him to not do it and get back to his real life were he (maybe) fails? I don't see the point, hell I was completely lost at age 14-15 , I don't regret for a second the gigantic amount of time I spent at home learning about webmarketing, new medias and video editing because now i'm awesome.

Oh and i'm from France, I also learned a whole other language by doing this. Internet > all.
I also think you should wait a few years. I personally don't think that 12 year olds should spend so much time on the computer as many of us do.
You're not missing out of anything on YouTube with your age. :) When you're older, there will be content on YouTube which you will find more interesting and relevant for you.
YouTube can be a great thing...but not at that age. I could see if the videos you did inspired some sort of creativity but it really inspires staying inside playing games. You need to go out there and enjoy your childhood and perhaps still make videos on the side for fun.