How to get my video to look clear at 360P?


New Member
Hi! This is my first thread here,

I am trying to get my 1 minute film clip uploaded to youtube which I have done successfully via Final Cut Pro X but the video quality is not so satisfying at 360P. It is a very high resolution video (Looks tack sharp on a 60" LCD TV) and looks great on 720P and 1080P but on the auto 360P on youtube it's not, how do I export it to ensure it is still sharp at 360P? The file i'm uploading to Youtube is 1080P and is 200MB. (1 minute 19 second clip)

I know this can be done, i'm guessing it's happened because it's getting processed from such a high quality video to youtube crappy 360P! ? All help would be highly appreciated. :)
If it looks good in 720p/1080p, why would you worry about how it looks like in 360p?

If I have the opinion to watch in 720p or higher, I'd choose that. I'm sure most people would click on the gear to increase the quality of the video if possible.
No that is not my point, if you look at many of the videos in 360p (that are shot on semi pro gear) they are not tack sharp but still clear. My clip is shot on semi pro gear too and it is far less quality then this at 360P, I know 360P and it should be at least clear but not sharp like it would be at 720P or 1080P. Help!
No that is not my point, if you look at many of the videos in 360p (that are shot on semi pro gear) they are not tack sharp but still clear. My clip is shot on semi pro gear too and it is far less quality then this at 360P, I know 360P and it should be at least clear but not sharp like it would be at 720P or 1080P. Help!
What is your video shot on? You should put a link to your channel in your profile so I can have a look.
My video is shot on a Canon 6D DSLR. my channel is /jacobgrozotis
At 360p it seems to have pretty much the same quality as any other video. I've compared it to quite a few others including my own at 360p and honestly there isn't much of a difference. If you're viewing any kind of 360p on a 60" LCD it's going to look crap no matter what :p.
If you still don't think the quality is good enough, go to your editing software and try upping some of the settings.
My latest video is about 4m and is 300MB at 1080p so you've definitively got a high enough bitrate going ^^.
This one is clear at 360P, this is how I want mine to be like. https:// www. youtube .com/ watch?v=xJMHw_KRPQ8