How to feel confortable in front of the camera?


Whatever, I'm Getting Cheese Fries
How did you guys get conformable filming in front of the camera? Do you practice what you are going to say before you start? or do you just wing it and edit out what you don't like? This pertains to vlogs more than gaming channels.
Well I am not in front of the camera anymore, but a long time ago I had a sort of vlogging channel. It did quite well until I got hacked and someone uploaded "Stuff" on it. For me it was basically a combination of winging it and doing various public speaking exercises :).[DOUBLEPOST=1366434983,1366434963][/DOUBLEPOST]
I just vlog and go with it! I used to be really nervous, but after 200 video's i'm no longer nervous haha.
I like your new Avatar :D
the first time i had a camera pointed at me some 12 years ago i was nervous as heck to talk i would much rather perform and just do the stunts and what not ..but with repetition it got easy..i really don't rehearse anything. for me if i have a script i mess up lol but when im under pressure im able to get most things in one take. Plus it helps when aren't worried about how silly you look on camera..thats another thing i use to worry about. but again as time went on i cared less and less about if others through i was weird or something lol
I just vlog and go with it! I used to be really nervous, but after 200 video's i'm no longer nervous haha.
I can do on the go vlogs, but it's the sit down ones, like challenges that are difficult to me.. i have a hard time transitioning from explaining what we are doing, to actually doing it without being awkward
I can do on the go vlogs, but it's the sit down ones, like challenges that are difficult to me.. i have a hard time transitioning from explaining what we are doing, to actually doing it without being awkward
Oh yeah I haven't done a lot of those, but I'm comfortable with the camera so it's pretty easy for me.
It's going to take a few videos before you are fully comfortable in front of the camera, and your first few videos will SUCK.

But, That is what you must do. Because you will watch over each video, and pick up something you are doing wrong or want to change. After about 10 videos, you should notice a massive difference in how comfortable you are in front of the camera :)