how to decide on ideas

"I sit in my hotel at night, I think of something that's funny, then I go get a pen and I write it down. Or if the pen's too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny."
If it sounds funny to me, then I usually go for it. Starting off, you are going to spend some time finding your voice anyway, so you might as well do videos about stuff the interest you. (=
When I'm trying to figure out what idea to use when creating things like narratives for music videos and short films I will have different mood boards with my base idea and then decide which one will be the easiest, which the harder, which the most fun, cheapest, time consuming, etc... (I don't normally have that many options to choose from, but you get the idea).
I will then go through a process of figuring out which one I can fit in my time frame, and if I can afford/get permission to use the locations and such that I would need.

But mood boards are definably the way to do it! I've got a pin board which I can do all sorts of string mood boards.. never done one but this thread had just given me the idea to do this!
I just do whatever I think is interesting. Sometimes I run it by some of my friends and ask for opinions... I usually end up doing it anyway regardless of whether they like it, ha.