How to check your earnings in Real Time


I've Got It
I've noticed a lot of people talking about following their earnings using Youtube Analytics. Thats great, but it's days behind. So here's how to check it in real time. Apologies if this has been posted before :)

Sign in to Adsense
Unable to post the link, but it's easy to find.

Click on "View Dashboard"
On the left hand menu click "Common Reports" and then "Products"
Now scroll down on the main window and click "Hosted Adsense for content"
The default date range is 7 days. I usually change that to the current month.
All your real time stats are there :)
I check my earning that way and they are overstated. This is despite the earnings being in the 'Total earnings' column and not the 'Estimated earnings' column. For example, in October 2015, my earnings in the Performance reports says $0.53 but my payable earnings only recorded $0.37 that month. And it's the same every month.

Does anyone else have this problem? Before you ask, I have made sure that all my reports and earnings are shown in the same currency (Australian dollars).
Yes, they're typically high for me as well.

I've found that multiplying their earnings number by .85 gives a much closer approximation.