How should I make my channel trailer?


Loving YTtalk
Any ideas on how a channel trailer should look like, I own a minecraft animation channel so I don't know how to make it look, thank you.
Think of a TV commercial. You have 30 seconds to sell a product, you have 5 seconds until the user changes the channel to find a station without a commercial. If your first 5 seconds has a strong hook they will stick around and get more information. If they aren't hooked right out of the get go chances are they won't stick around to see more of your videos. So do your best to advertise your brand but make it as catchy and awesome as possible. Just remember to do your best to hook them on that first 10 seconds.

No matter what genre you have you need to abide by these procedures. It all works the same.
compile all of your best bits into a 30-1 minute long clip and record a snippet telling the world what it is you do!
Show people how good of an animator you are, and how entertaining your channel can be. Maybe make a bunch of villagers talk enthusiastically about how great your channel is, keep it short, but not half-a-second-short. I would say a good thirty seconds.