How often should you Upload for a gaming channel??

imo if ur vidz r popular enuff then 3-4 times a week is enuff but if ur new to this...then upload as much as u can and increase ur video/view count.
it all depends what yo upload! for my channel i have lets plays retro lets plays and reviews coming so once we get all that going we may be uploading 3 videos a week. but it's really depends how much traffic you get. just make sure your videos get a chance to be viewed before you upload something new!
I tend to upload videos daily for a game and then take a break after I finish the game. It's probably not the most productive method, but I prefer to have the entire games up and wait for the views to come than wait for views before uploading, because I play in fairly long gaming sessions.
Many channels are dedicated to once a day for gaming uploads; however, it will depend entirely on how the channel functions. The best way to do uploads is to set a day of the week and then keep a column for that particular day. Many who do a "Something Monday" etc. There's also channels who just produce content based on narrative streams and space them out throughout the week, then it's best to schedule them for Monday/Thursday, or Mon/Wed/Fri, and enable subscribers to know that videos will come out in a particular pattern on a particular day.

Then there's some people who do 2 a day over the week and take weekend breaks.

The idea is to produce consistently, stay in contact with subscribers, and work in what they want to watch.
I upload like every 12 hours at the moment, but that's only because I have so many video's already recorded and rendered lol!

So right now I leave about 12 hours between each upload giving them a bit of time to gain some views. I make use of annotations really well though since most of my content is all playlist based, so it gives people the option to visit previous or next episodes.

Has been working well for me up to now, but it's completely up to you!
For general videos - once a week.
For competitions... example: SC2 - everyday! You gotta update the fans!