How Often Should A New Channel Upload Videos?


YTTalk's Old School Gamer
Hey guys,

just started on YouTube with my first video already up! Just wanted to ask a question/get your advice on how much I should be uploading? Like once a few days, once a week etc. I know starting out on YouTube is hard so would uploading tons of videos at the beginning a good idea or do people prefer once a week sort of thing?

Thanks in advance :)
Personally I think every week will do for a starting channel, but as you get more subscribers start uploading more daily. c:[DOUBLEPOST=1387212988,1387212964][/DOUBLEPOST]I also subscribed c:
Once a week is good.. please don't make the mistake of doing multiple uploads a day... ever... that makes people unsub fast as lightning.
No such thing as a new channel after day 2, but as much as possible, if you can upload, upload, if you cant, dont, pretty simple, you will never see, "How come you uploading daily, i hate you, stop putting out videos i want to watch, im unsubbing".
I think it depends on the type of channel. I do videos 5 days a week and I try to be funny...interesting. I think it depends on how many ideas you have. I don't understand people that upload multiple times a day to be honest.
Personally I think every week will do for a starting channel, but as you get more subscribers start uploading more daily. c:[DOUBLEPOST=1387212988,1387212964][/DOUBLEPOST]I also subscribed c:
Okay man thanks! :) and yeah I saw, thankyou so much! subbed back, loved the accent challenge haha[DOUBLEPOST=1387213292][/DOUBLEPOST]
Once every 2-3 days, should give your videos time to accumulate some views and possible subscribers.
Okkaayyyy thanks :)[DOUBLEPOST=1387213386][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think it depends on the type of channel. I do videos 5 days a week and I try to be funny...interesting. I think it depends on how many ideas you have. I don't understand people that upload multiple times a day to be honest.
I personally like youtubers who upload a lot! haha, like SSoHPKC uploads about 4-5 vids a day roughly but in the past it used to be something ridiculous like 10+ uploads a day haha
No such thing as a new channel after day 2, but as much as possible, if you can upload, upload, if you cant, dont, pretty simple, you will never see, "How come you uploading daily, i hate you, stop putting out videos i want to watch, im unsubbing".
Actually I unsub to people who do really good videos because I am jealous.. Then I resub under a different name and watch them and cry as punishment for unsubbing.