How much money can I make? How?


New Member
I just partnered with YouTube. I linked my GoogleAdSense account to it. My channel has 5 uploads and 1.6K subs. I am planning to upload way more dialy then nearly rarely than before. One of my videos hit up 254k views before I was partnered. Even my first video 77k views... From what I read that I get paid how many people actually see the full ad without skipping it. Which kinda sucks , I thought you get paid for the views and watch time. Lets say I upload a video and it gets 5k views , how much does that earn me in EUR?

Thanks a lot. I'm new to partnership with YouTube.
It really matters of the CPM= Cost Per Mile or Cost Per 1000 views.
Some countries CPM are paid more for example USA and UK... You can find that on youtube analytics on ad rates.
If your CPM is 5 $ you are gonna get 5$ per 1000 views, 5000 views makes 25$. You can convert that on Euro if you want.
Hope it helped.
Best Regards,
It really matters of the CPM= Cost Per Mile or Cost Per 1000 views.
Some countries CPM are paid more for example USA and UK... You can find that on youtube analytics on ad rates.
If your CPM is 5 $ you are gonna get 5$ per 1000 views, 5000 views makes 25$. You can convert that on Euro if you want.
Hope it helped.
Best Regards,

Thanks for your reply ... By 5000views do you mean 5k people watch all the ads or they just watch the video I uploaded? So YouTube Payment isnt based on views and watch-time as I thought
CPM's from ads matey, but firstly 45% of your revenue goes to youtube coz they are automatically partnered to your earnings.
Not all views are created equally. There are many factors that contribute in variations including: Quality of traffic( Gender) , Source of views by country like i said up there, Type of Video, Type of Ads, Price of Ads, Numbers of subscribers, Percentage of views on Mobile, Click rate and such lol.
CPM's from ads matey, but firstly 45% of your revenue goes to youtube coz they are automatically partnered to your earnings.
Not all views are created equally. There are many factors that contribute in variations including: Quality of traffic( Gender) , Source of views by country like i said up there, Type of Video, Type of Ads, Price of Ads, Numbers of subscribers, Percentage of views on Mobile, Click rate and such lol.

I cant really understand this lol , say my video gets 5k views. lets say 4,980 people all pressed to skip the ad after 5 seconds into it before the video starts. 10 people only actually watched the full ad. Will I only get paid for those 10 people that watched the full ad and those 4,980 views I dont get paid anything?

Thanks for all your help mate:happy:
lets say 4,980 people all pressed to skip the ad after 5 seconds into it before the video starts. 10 people only actually watched the full ad. Will I only get paid for those 10 people that watched the full ad and those 4,980 views I dont get paid anything?

Exactly. You only get paid when someone either watches more than 30 seconds of an ad or clicks on it.

On top of that, an ad isn't displayed every time your video is viewed.

The general rule of thumb though is that you should earn between $.50-$1 for every thousand views...meaning, if your video was watched 5,000 times, enough people probably watched or clicked the ads to earn you between $2.50 and $5.

Of course that number changes based on where your video is watched, what your content is about and how long your videos are.
Exactly. You only get paid when someone either watches more than 30 seconds of an ad or clicks on it.

On top of that, an ad isn't displayed every time your video is viewed.

The general rule of thumb though is that you should earn between $.50-$1 for every thousand views...meaning, if your video was watched 5,000 times, enough people probably watched or clicked the ads to earn you between $2.50 and $5.

Of course that number changes based on where your video is watched, what your content is about and how long your videos are.

damn 5k views = $2.50 - $5 kinda sucks lol

Thanks for your reply
damn 5k views = $2.50 - $5 kinda sucks lol

Yes, it does- which is why it's incredibly difficult to earn a living from YouTube, but- with that said, it also means you likely could have earned between $150-300 on your previous views...which, while not retirement money, is generally enough to help out or help a hobby going.