Request How much for an intro?


I'm new to all this and I'm just wondering how much would i have to pay any of you for an intro? Please let me know ASAP thank you!!!;)
Zero, look for some "Ae Intro templates", DL the trial version, make one and viola.

The channel Pushedtoinsanity is a good one for both templates of After Effects AND tutorials on how to edit them.



i) Don't settle for one you kinda like, I did that and changed it three times inside of a month before I got one I really liked.
ii) Keep it under 6 seconds regardless of how cool it looks and sounds at the start, people will hate it if it is longer then that
iii) Do not do a 3d word that just shakes to Dubstep, people are sick of them.

I prefer 2d ones as they just look cleaner but thats just me.

Hint, you can remove the music easily and go to incompetech and get something you like better. Just be sure to credit the creator. For example check any of my newer videos description.

Last but not least and off topic, check your channel link it seems to be wrong. We can't see an existing channel off of that.

Hope this helps, GL

Also you should maybe try to find an outro too. They seem scarier to some people because they feel the need to layer in video links , though to be honest putting up thumbnails and adding an audio sign off is just as good if not better and more personal. Especially if you are good at making thumbnails.

For advice on thumbnails, EVERYTHING can be done with PIXLR

And possibly InkScape
to turn normal pictures into PNG's if the PIXLR magic wand is being too picky you can trace and cut with Inkscape. Remember to save it as a .png to use it in PIXLR as a layer.
for example.

This may sound like a lot of info but its just some stuff I learned in attempting to make my channel art as pro as possible for free and it REALLY helped. My channel is only a month old and I learned everything on my own via trial and error.

I wish you luck, ask away if anything is confusing.
Hey there! I discuss prices and all details regarding the intro in DM. I have work on my channel for you to see. If interested, contact me on Skype or through email. Don't worry about not knowing much about channel art, I'll help and explain you on how everything works =)

Skype: gianlentz

Cheers :)