How many Episodes in a Online Series?

The Bear Two Show

I've Got It
Hey, I was just wondering how many episodes people think i should have in a series on my youtube show? each episode will range from 6 to 12 minutes in length, just wondering if anyone knows what a good amount of episodes per series would be a good idea, and how long between new series i should wait to make another.

My vote is 12 or fewer than episodes per series. Starting to watch the whole series/season needs to not seem like a daunting task or else people may just say, "Ah, interesting, I'll come back to this later when I have time" and then forget about it.

Sidenote suggestion, and others should tell me if I'm wrong on this, but I think you should consider not putting streaming ads on the first episodes of your series so people don't decide that it isn't worth the time to check it out and leave before giving your show a try.
Begin,middle,end, if you reach the end of your story, thats the end of the season or entire show ^^/
Thanks RYAN CG I have changed my advert settings, what you say makes sense, i wasn't sure about having them so soon, and 12 episodes is what i was thinking initially too! like a cable show haha
Begin,middle,end, if you reach the end of your story, thats the end of the season or entire show ^^/

But the show is a children's show starring teddy bears, not really spinning an epic with plot and continuity... :)

I'm glad my suggestions made sense! Good luck with your show!
Basically whatever you feel completes the series :)
I'll just move this here for you, to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section.