How many channels do you own?

Just the one for now! Although I have been advised to make a second one, seeing as my channel will be having two different 'topics' (One vlog, One Topical) :)
I have 2. one which is personal where i am not intending to get subscribers from and one my "adventuresofbo" where i make it more professional for the views and subscribers
just 1. i stay pretty much on the same theme of fashion/beauty related topics. so i dont need more than one, at this point in my life at least.
I have 2, but I only really focus on one the other one is just for personal uploads and I don't really promote it.
I have three, YTtalkTV, my other one is one tied to my gmail that I rarely use and the other I made the other day for doing a tutorial but I am not sure if I will continue using it.
Too much, well, I used to.
Now it's just zerodecoole

I have CsRVEVO, incase I ever want to become a musician with my own official VEVO music video LOL
I had redtrummy as commentary channel, but it got hacked.