I realise the definition of 'artist' can extend as far as you like, and everyone here can be considered one, but I want to know how many want to be considered one.
How many of us here would like to engage in serious works, 'art' as it were?
How many of us here have skills pertaining to this, be it in effects or skilful editing or writing or acting or whatever else, that is, skills that you would consider of the standard to consider 'art' worthy?
I don't mean this as an attempt to set any sort of discriminating bar or initiate any elitism, rather I just want to know what people think about themselves.
As a hypothetical, if everyone on YTTalk were invited to participate in the creation of a feature length serious movie, utilising everyone's own skills, who would accept the invitation? A serious, perhaps heavy work involving alot of effort and time and skill and patience, still a Youtube work made for Youtube by Youtube, but no less serious than a Hollywood film. Does anyone aspire to this sort of work or am I barking up the wrong tree? lol
EDIT: maybe this should've been in the Youtube Chat/Chillout Room forum... I want it to be a discussion thread, but also to see who're the planners and script writers, so :? Man, which hole does the cone shaped block go into?
How many of us here would like to engage in serious works, 'art' as it were?
How many of us here have skills pertaining to this, be it in effects or skilful editing or writing or acting or whatever else, that is, skills that you would consider of the standard to consider 'art' worthy?
I don't mean this as an attempt to set any sort of discriminating bar or initiate any elitism, rather I just want to know what people think about themselves.
As a hypothetical, if everyone on YTTalk were invited to participate in the creation of a feature length serious movie, utilising everyone's own skills, who would accept the invitation? A serious, perhaps heavy work involving alot of effort and time and skill and patience, still a Youtube work made for Youtube by Youtube, but no less serious than a Hollywood film. Does anyone aspire to this sort of work or am I barking up the wrong tree? lol
EDIT: maybe this should've been in the Youtube Chat/Chillout Room forum... I want it to be a discussion thread, but also to see who're the planners and script writers, so :? Man, which hole does the cone shaped block go into?