How long to get back my youtube channel?


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Hi, someone gave me several copyrights strikes because I used some pictures of theirs characters. My videos were not monetized (my youtube channel is not monetized) and they were in private. I talked with the copyrights owner and he told me that he removed the copyrights strikes. It was yesterday, after 16 hours my youtube channel dis still down. Is it an automatic process to recover a youtube channel? If my copyrights strike are removed, my youtube channel will get back automatically?
ouch :eek: I use peoples faces in videos, guess same can happen to me?
just give it a few day & keep researching, hope some1 here with experience will pitch in
ok they also banned all my youtube account on different google account.... because they linked those channel with the banned channel :)

But nobody to review the asking of the copyright owner to remove the copyright strike :)
Why would YT ban linked accouns that themselves don't breach their T&C's ? That makes no sense.

(Doesn't mean that they don't do it, just that it's ludicrous. One hopes there's a way t revolve that issue quickly)