How Long Does It Take To Receive Gold Play Buttons?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I haven't received my Silver button, I've been waiting for several years. And two months ago I applied for Gold Buttons which I qualify. I hope I could get them this time. How long did it take for you guys to receive your gold (or silver or diamond) play button(s)?
Took almost three months after I hit 100k for both my channels. Hit over a million subs on one of them a while ago already (nov 2nd) but still no possibility to apply for the golden button.
Congratulations on your gold button! I heard it takes a month or two!:)[DOUBLEPOST=1514435763,1514435733][/DOUBLEPOST]
Took almost three months after I hit 100k for both my channels. Hit over a million subs on one of them a while ago already (nov 2nd) but still no possibility to apply for the golden button.
I personally have no idea, but if it's taking a few years, I'd contact your manager and/or try to contact YouTube and ask what's up.... :/ It probably depends a little on what country you live in, but I'd imagine anything beyond 6 months probably means someone dropped the ball somewhere at YouTube.... They don't seem very organized, so they probably need some extra reminders.
Just received one button, which took just about 2 months. :wavespin:[DOUBLEPOST=1515045357,1515042204][/DOUBLEPOST]And it's directly from the YT play button factory in China.