How have channel pages on Facebook worked for you?


I've Got It
Thinking about doing one, but I just feel like most of my FB friends don't have YouTube accounts, so I don't think it will get me many subs. But does it help with views? I already spam the life out of my friends four 4-5 days straight after I upload a video, so it seems I could minimize that a little bit with a fan page.

Do you have one? What's it been like for your?
I have a page but its just for fun although really i do it all for fun but I usualy post using my actual facebook account which i have lots of friends for all different types of things I find that better but I also made a page because I plan to release some freebie stuff errr downloadable items and stuff and I thought it would be a good way to present it to facebook users (i have a website too but I think my facebook stuff gets more traffic. ) I get views from facebook but the most views I get are from subscriber modules and twitter and then after that I submit to a few sites that specialize in my kinda "thing" lol those bring in tons of views as well but I am wierd I dont tend to do it all at once. I usually post my video and post it to facebook and let it sit a bit.. not sure why.. it seems better that way. Then I monitize it and submit it all over (well when I actually spend the time to do so) . Then when I am submitting it all over it goes onto facebook a second time . It works
I've never had one for a channel (that I used regularly) but if it works well for a website which it does then I believe it does with YouTube channels. If your fans like you on Facebook and they're active on there, every time you update your Facebook page they will see that on there end and hopefully click through to check out whatever you posted, sometimes people need a small reminder too and I believe this helps.