How has being a youtuber impacted your life?

I too feel a boost in Confidence since using Youtube kind of confirmed something that I always kind of doubted and that is Hey I am a likable guy. I constantly strive to improve my videos and style of editing. Also its a by far one of my favorite creative outlets, I make more music more often because I know there are people that appreciate my stuff. It would be like working really hard to set up a concert and no one comes and watches with Youtube I know there are people watching so it encourages me to make more!
It's given me the opportunity to show my work off and it's also helped me slip into a creative schedule and keep myself active and consistent. It's also partially helped with voice acting, and the support and feedback has encouraged me to make more videos.
it's given me an outlet to express myself. also, working on youtube videos has allowed me to appreciate the things around me, like scenery and nature. it's gotten pretty deep man!
It has made us more confident and learning new things as I edit and producing our vlogs for everyone to see has become sort of a hobby, we enjoy making vlogs that people enjoy and our comments we receive make us extra proactive to keep making them.
Having to watch myself talk, express ideas and try and be confident constantly, it's forced me to watch myself grow. It's like if you're trying to perfect some sports move, and you do it while looking into a mirror so you can see exactly what you do wrong. It benefits me in my personal growth.
It's made me more confident :) I used to hate showing people my songs because they tend to be quite personal. Youtube is somewhere I can share my music with people that don't know me or my personal situation, and since I generally get either compliments or constructive criticism in the comments it made me feel more comfortable showing it to people I do know :D
I ironically I used to hate being on camera and hated having pictures taken of me. That changed a lot and I no longer care as much. my life is just that more entertaining now, and i finally feel as if i have a true outlet for my arts, music, thoughts etc...'

I also made lots of cool friends from around the world.
Well, considering we're the product of ever single decision we've ever made in our entire life, I'd say YouTube has changed me A LOT. If I had never made an account, I'd probably be a completely different person.