How Far in Advance Do You Plan Videos?


YTtalk Mad
So I have one of those planner diarys and on each date that I'm going to publish a video on I've the title/topic of each video for those dates. I have most videos planned like this for upto February. In January I'm going to plan the videos for February until about April. In my diary I've also got when I'm going to script (if necessary), record, edit and upload them planned too. Like two weeks ago I recorded a video, I edited and uploaded it last Thursday and it's scheduled for this Thursday.

Are the rest of you guys this organized or am I alone? :P
We're in the beginning of November, and I have loads of video ideas penned down already. Considering I have no idea when my YouTube channel will officially launch, I'd say that's VERY far in advance. I kind of wish I had a legit notebook for my idea though. I write everything on the notepad in my phone. LOL :D
I just try to get one out once a week, and I tend to have a basic concept but just make it up as I go along :D
It depends on what kind of videos you upload I suppose. Like me I recently started doing a gaming webshow so I plan those pretty far in advance and take alot of time and thought into them. I also have a Lets Play channel and those more or less I just play whatever I feel like or what my subs what me to day to day.
I have a massive list of topics I could talk about. Every time something pops into my head or I hear something interesting I add it to the list. The hard part is choosing which topics to highlight/deciding which ones people might find interesting.
I didn't officially release any videos when I first started, I had 5 videos lined up, but now I either record on the day of making it public or a couple of days prior to putting it up on my channel, it depends on how organised you wanna be with YouTube, the more organised you are the better off you'll be
Wow, you're really organized and that's AWESOME!

I used to just make videos when I really wanted to, so I'd upload anywhere from a couple times a week to like once every couple of months, depending on how creative I felt. A couple times, I tried to put myself on a schedule, but I had a hard time being patient since I'd finish a video and wouldn't want to wait until my upload day to upload it. :P

Now I have a specific upload day (Thursdays), which I plan to stick to so that I have a consistent schedule. I don't plan out videos the same way that you do, but I do write down any video ideas I have and I record and edit the videos I make from these ideas right away. Right now, I have like 6 or 7 videos queued to upload.

I'm really liking this organized system this time. It's much less stressful than trying to make time and race the clock on my upload day to get a video done.
I do two videos a week that require scripts. I get them each written two days before they upload and then spend the next day getting appropriate footage and doing editing. When it comes to their topic, I try to stay a month ahead but I'm sure that will eventually get difficult. For now, every time I use one, I can think of a new prompt pretty easily.