How does your script writing process go?

Will McCullough

Active Member
Once you have your idea ready and everything, how do you go about writing your script? Personally, once I have the idea in my head, I describe on paper exactly what's in my head. I put in the script what kind of shot I want, how I want to say something, and sometimes say how I want to edit a certain part. Of course, I have the character's lines in there as well. I'm just curious as to how everyone else goes about this.
Nothing...I find it so much easier to just speak my mind rather than have a script that I have to follow...I just keep the main points in mind and discuss them...also being more natural makes for a more entertaining video!
I usually write down just the stuff I have to say, my kind of video usually do not require many camera angles. The issue is to remember everything, in fact I often improvise.
I probably should've been a little more clear. Vlogs are a lot less scripted because they're vlogs lol I know, I make them. Gaming commentary is the same way. I'm mainly talking about skits and short movies.
For fictional dramas, I write it down in script format the first time, then I do an out-loud read-through for my wife and kids, then go back and change stuff that didn't work or sounded awkward. Then I number each line and action. That way I can label the video files by shot so I can keep track of it all on the computer for editing.
I write a load of notes and I format them like this so I get them all in properly at the right times:


Introduce the topic of the video

(Branded Intro Displays)


Talk about the topic some more.

Main Content

Get to the point. List of main points here.

Ending/Wrapping it up

End the video.

For a properly scripted video I would use Google Drive with tables detailing camera shots, mood of the scene etc character lines and so on.
I'll give you a summary of my current writing process, even if my type of video is a little bit special.

First I think about a plan, like that:

Intro skit
credits (no change here)

Introduction to subject

Part 1

Part 2

(as much part i need)



Outro skit (relevant with the intro)

Then, i make research, if it's on internet, i paste the link in the beginning. I write everything down, according to the plan. Then i rewrite with 'funny' thought, graphs or clip i have to show when i talk. Obviously, you don't see the parts on the video.
Step 1: Concept idea for the video, what I want to get across to my audience.

Step 2: Length: I plan on how long the video SHOULD take and aim to finish in that amount of time

Step 3: Writing! I actually write my script, either a short outline, or word-for-word what I want to say

Step 4: Revise the script. I look through and change things that I feel need changing

Step 5: video!

Step 6: DONE!

That's basically my pattern for all my videos :)
Hey Will! First, just checked out your channel. It's going to be awesome, and I was happy to subscribe.

Anyway, I vlog random stuff. Most of my videos so far have been around a theme, so the content sort of took care of itself once the theme was set. My video coming this Monday has no central theme--more of a true vlog--but I did know what topics I was going to touch on. In either case, I can't script anything, as I am not totally sure what I am going to say about my topics until I start talking. The one time I tried to write a script, I just sat there staring until I gave up and poured a stiff drink. When I am recording, I always end up saying a lot more than I want to, and a lot of the content doesn't work, so I edit the video down to what I like.