how do I think of my ideas? let me list them
1-watching youtube videos and getting inspired
2-i do some parodies therefore I look at movies or poems and I interprate them in my own way
3- sometimes I try to be silly for example when having a convo with my brother or sister when they ask what are you gonna do in your next video and I come up with something crazy like dinosaurs riding monkeys.
4- I have ADD so i think of strange things
5-personal experience
6- I meet people and I try to make a story about them
7- in my video, the main character, the strange things her does was unspired by my little 5 year old cousin (he really likes the videos, whenever he comes to my house he askes if he can watch them and laughes his a** out not knowing that it is him)
8- in my latest video I had included my mum (mother character) also inspired by my mum.
and so that's how I think of my videos, mainly personal experience and strange thoughts that come into my head

hope this helps

[DOUBLEPOST=1345327749,1345327547][/DOUBLEPOST]btw, you have a nice youtube channel

it's really good! x
subscriber #60

can't wait for more to come

keep up the good jobx