How Do You Get Over Writers Block?

Marc Baggett

I've Got It
Have you ever been trying to come up with an idea for a video idea but simply can't?

I've been there before and what I do if I have writers block is I take a break and watch other people's YouTube videos or just watch TV and if I see something I like I write it down and then try to build around it and import other ideas I previously had and before I know it I have my own original idea for a video.

So I was just wondering what do you do when you have writers block?
My whole you-tube series was inspired from writers block! Originally it was a dumping ground for all the stupid, bizarre ideas intending for theatre, but it gained a life of ts own.

Remember 'nowhere man by the beatles? that was inspired from writers block too. My advice is to dare doing the stupidest, zaniest idea that you want to shut down in your head, and do it anyway. Concentrate on the frustrations of the idealess present and just be crazy for a moment, if only to get your head out of that rut.

Some of the best musicians deal with the profane as well as the profound in order to keep their creative juices going. Mozart was very scatological, as is the modern genius Devin Townsend. Frank Zappa Also had his weird moments.

I hope my advice is of use, good luck nevertheless!
I think keeping to a number of themes can help with this. If you know that on Mondays, you upload videos that have something to do with chickens and their fashion sense, then you can go looking for a new fashion trend for chickens when you're blocked. If you post whatever comes to mind each time you post, that can give you the issue of having too many avenues to choose from, and none of them may call out to you.

If you are going for a more open sort of channel, I would suggest keeping a notebook or a file on your computer where you write down every idea you have, no matter when you have it. Don't use it for your everyday videos, but keep it on-hand for when you don't have the foggiest notion of what you should do this time, and just pull one out at random.