How do you brainstorm?


I've Got It
Personally, I take a packet of sticky notes, or note cards, and write down EVERY single idea I can think of. Then I weed out some of the ones that I know won't work, then I start trying out the ideas that I do have left. Usually, three. And when I feel like one of those can't be accomplished, I throw it out. I repeat this until I have a video idea that I'm satisfied with.

So, how do you brainstorm? :)
I got outside on my back porch and smoke a cig and I have a notebook I write down ideas in and I just sit there and brainstorm.
I use the internet a lot - so I use both Evernote Webclipper to grab full articles and posts for topic ideas, and use Google docs to write - no matter what browser I'm on (Home, Work, or iPad). I also use the app Day One on iPad to jot notes down on. It's just very clean. Sure it's a journal app, but it works much better as a searchable notebook.
The way i brainstorm is i actually just use topics and ideas of things ive experienced in my life and so far it has been working for me lol
Whenever I have time alone I think of what I can do, maybe something that happened recently I can make a rant about, or any video ideas, and when I've got it I write down notes or a script for it :)