How do we get the "First Comment" as the creator?

najiah griffiths

New Member
So as a creator I've always wondered how other YouTube'rs get the first comment on their own video. Why? not because it's cool to get the first comment but because I want the first person who watches the video to see the comment I post.

In the past, in the video setup, i wrote my comment in the message box located n the video manager. It worked but it took a couple minutes for the comment to show up on the actual video so the first viewers didn't see the comment.

Later the feature didn't work at all. And now it works again but google has changed it to where what you write doesn't show up in the video's comment section but above the video's title in the subscribers video feed .

I'm wondering if the only way to get the first comment is to pre-write the comment and as soon as you publish the video be the first viewer and post the comment really fast?

it sounds menial, but it matters to me because i want everyone who watches to see the comment. and it matters even more if you're a big youtube'r where a minute wasted could mean 10s, 100s, or 1000s of views go by and none of them see the comment you posted.

So how do we get the absolute first comment?!

Thank you so much guys. I'm new here and this is my first post :)
As far as I know you can enter a message during the uploading process to be shared on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. It's the Google+ one that appears at the top of the comments.
@Cabbage Hunters ahhh man! i think that's the solution. I assumed you couldn't post comments on a private video but never thought to see if that would work. It's almost always something simple. Thanks cabbage!

@TigerXtrm yea, that's the option i've been using, and it just leaves a message above my video in the feed of my subscribers but doesn't post a comment in the video's actual comment section. thanks anyways. I think cabbage hunters has the solution!
It's the Google+ one that appears at the top of the comments.

Not since Google+ is no longer fully integrated to YouTube. I think that's why OP has asked the question. :)

I think the solution proposed by @Cabbage Hunters is the only way of doing it, but I haven't tested it myself yet. I agree it's all very confusing. It was about the only feature of Google+ that I liked lol.
So as a creator I've always wondered how other YouTube'rs get the first comment on their own video. Why?

First off welcome to the fold! Second, because YouTube was sick and tired of all those kids trying to compete by posting "FIRST" as their comment. I am quite sure that wasn't the reason, but it sounds like an appealing notion...
ah man! @Cabbage Hunters . just tried what you said and it didn't work. I was almost sure it would. it says comments are unavailable and it won't let me post a comment while the video is private[DOUBLEPOST=1444733800,1444733673][/DOUBLEPOST]
First off welcome to the fold! Second, because YouTube was sick and tired of all those kids trying to compete by posting "FIRST" as their comment. I am quite sure that wasn't the reason, but it sounds like an appealing notion...

thanks for the welcome.!so what i'm talking about is a bit different from what you're referring to I think. all the kids typing "FIRST" are "viewers." but i'm talking about this from the content creator's standpoint. i just want to be able to comment first before anyone else watches the video so everyone that watches the video will see the comment I post