How do i turn town video volume on Sony Vegas?


Active Member
Hello, so i tried to test my voice in Sony Vegas and the sound of the video as i was recording my voice, was so loud that i barely even heard my own voice, can anyone tell me how i can turn the videos volume down a little? There's not a single option on the track of the video.
I don't know how to actually turn down the video sound or if there is a way to. But have you try turning down the sound for whatever you were recording? Or is it those types that doesn't let you change volumes?
I don't know how to actually turn down the video sound or if there is a way to. But have you try turning down the sound for whatever you were recording? Or is it those types that doesn't let you change volumes?
Already got it, but it was the sound of the video i was trying to commentate over, you have to highlight the videos audio track and press V and drag down it until you think it's the best. You can also put your voice higher:)
Already got it, but it was the sound of the video i was trying to commentate over, you have to highlight the videos audio track and press V and drag down it until you think it's the best. You can also put your voice higher:)

Well, at least I learn something today :D lol
I don't know muchabout Vegas, but there should be two separate options, one for video audio and another for commentary audio. It should be in the volume area or something.