How do I make my videos 4k?

i really dont know how but some advice
4k is so high res it crashes peoples computer :D and im shure it will take literally forever to render
You got to record them in 4k... meaning you need a 4k camera.
That and a editing software that could handle it.
Then again i still do 720 so the latest resolution isn't really my thing. :p
Well.. I would imagine you could take an editing program, open up a 4k sized workspace, import your 1080p footage, and stretch/scale it up to fit the screen. But I don't see why you would do that, it's not going to increase the quality. Better to just let somebody maximize a 1080p video on their larger screen.
Making 1080p 4k would be like taking a piece of paper and stretch it huge, you'll loose pixels, not gaining any quality. Better to leave it at 1080p where it's at its best :)
You should focus on the quality of your videos more than trying to make your videos viewable to 0.003% of people.