How do I get my videos to automatically playback in HD?


Active Member
When I do a YouTube search for my video, it has the HD logo next to it but when I watch it, I have to manually change the quality. The default is set at 360p for whatever reason. I have playback set at "Always choose the best quality for my connection and player size" with "Always play HD on fullscreen" enabled but under Advanced Settings in my Video Manager there isn't any option that I'm seeing to set the quality of that particular video at a specific level. Should I enable the 3D Video option or is there something else I need to do in order to get the video to automatically play in HD?

I don't think it is possible to automatically play a video in HD, you'll just have to do it manually each time, it may change in the future though :)
I think you can only set HD automatically on fullscreen view. It's only like that for people with lesser internet connections as they wouldn't be able to watch your video without it buffering constantly.
The ability to playback HD by default is a viewer setting, not a channel producer setting. Meaning you can't force a user to watch HD. They will watch it at what quality level their account has been set for a default.