How Do I Create/Upload a Custom Thumbnail?


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Newbie here, just joined today :)

I've been seeing really good custom thumbnails on loads of videos and I tried creating mine using iTunes and iPhoto. They don't show after I upload the videos.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
I've been reading a few posts and I think I might be doing the wrong thing. In iTunes, you have the option to 'Set Poster Frame', I thought that would transfer on as a thumbnail after uploading.
But now I'm reading about uploading thumbnails, which is not an available option on my account.. Is that possible?
Thanks for responding :)
While you are on your video manager page, select any of your video to edit. Right where YouTube gives you 3 thumbnail you see a 'Custom Thumbnail' click-able button underneath the 3rd one? If so, then you have the access of it.
Thank you Rizzwizz, no I don't see it. I'm guessing it's a feature that will be available when I have more subscribers (75 right now) and/or views.
Thanks again!