How do I change my channel name title?

go into channel settings->advanced

then at the top you can click the 'change' button

ive done a video walkthrough for this
Okay :/
but thanks anyway! :)

I remember there was an option to "use a business name or other name" for youtube to keep the google+ stuff separate, that method allows you to use the regular youtube name system rather than the linked google + one. IThis was available when I first joined google plus a month ago, im not sure how to access it when youre already set up but it might be worth looking into
I remember there was an option to "use a business name or other name" for youtube to keep the google+ stuff separate, that method allows you to use the regular youtube name system rather than the linked google + one. IThis was available when I first joined google plus a month ago, im not sure how to access it when youre already set up but it might be worth looking into

yeah thanks!