How can I make a really good channel art?


Active Member
Hey guys! The channel art I have now is not horrible. However, I do want to make it more hd and more fit for my channel. Any ideas on where/ how I can make a good one. I have a couple programs like Photoshop and iphoto.
You can check out my Fiverr down in the sig. ;)

Well if you want to do it, first you actually have to make, or find and HD background that your able to use. What describes your channel? Incoperate those in. Keep the banner simple, yet enough to show who you are.
I figured it out. I messed around with photoshop and it finally did what I was trying to make it do for a couple weeks now XD
Hey guys! The channel art I have now is not horrible. However, I do want to make it more hd and more fit for my channel. Any ideas on where/ how I can make a good one. I have a couple programs like Photoshop and iphoto.
photoshop would be my best advice! Thats how i made mine :)
If you don't know how try watching some tutorials and just play a little around with it! ^^ It can be quite fun!