How can I aprove my commentating skills?


I've Got It
As soon a I'll hit 150 subs (I'm at 83 now, so why not plan ahead) I'll start doing Minecraft Survival Series, and Let's plays, Mods reviews etc...i'll also start another channel where it will be a more 'open channel' non minecraft related.
So I said: Why not play a game OFFLINE and with no mic and just start pretending that I was recording.
And then I just was terrible: my voice tone was borring, there was a lot of 'aaaah' 'eerg' and other silent moments, sometimes I just didn't know what to say.
Is it because I never did any of that kind of videos? Will I get better at the time?
Please help guys :/
try talking to yourself, maybe in your head, just play a few games and talk as you play, but you don't need to record, it's just so you can get used to talking on the spot :) I used to talk to myself a lot and still kind of do and it helps when going solo :P
Yes, because it was something that you are not used to doing, your brain filled in gaps with the ummms and uhhhhs. With practice, being prepared, and experience, you will get better.
I started off the same way, at least half my video was pretty much silence and I was also emotionless the whole time. You'll just get better over time. One thing I did was watch my favorite let's players and took some mental notes on types of things they said to fill in silence and just got better that way. Not sure if I'm actually doing it right myself, but at least I don't have 5 minutes of silence in a 10 minute video.
Ok , thanks guys for your advices :D
I guess practice makes perfect then. Well i'm at 83 subs now, so I guess I should be ready when I'll hit 150
Again thanks guys !
Yep, anytime you're alone you should practice talking to yourself and filling in the space, even when you're not playing video games. It's hard to kick the habit of saying "um" and "ah", but lots of practice would definitely help.
I did a lot of debates at highschool this year, and when I think what I'm gonna say : I don't really have problems saying it.
But with video games, and specially when playing a new one, something randomly happens and then my mind goes blank
The way i started was just by adding music to my videos but one day i just thought to myself i should talk a couple of stuff yes my first 5 videos where i spoke were boring and nothing exciting my tone was very low and boring but now i have started talking more excitingly and happier so my advice is practice make videos watch them and see what your doing wrong try to improve where the errors are. :)
Just moving this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning section of the forum for you :)
I don't watch too many game commentators, but when I used to do Let's Play series and watch channels, I always liked to hear stories. About what you thought, experiences that are relevant to what you're planning.

Just continue doing what you're doing. You'll grow! Maybe have a couple of things that you want to talk about before you hit record.