Gaming Horror Colab


Hey guys, If any one out there would like to play some games with me let me know! What i'm looking for is some one who will get as scared as me and would like to play games like:

-Gmod Slender
-Slendy Tubbies
-Survivors VIY

Or any other multiplayer horror game you have in mind respond or start a conversation via PM with me :)

I would really like to do somthing like this :)

My skype is: jacobofarabia1.255

Or just send me a message on YouTube :)
My channel is mostly indie horror games and I will be doing outlast and the new amnesia.. I would love to play SlendyTubbies with you since that is what I have right now.
Yeah My steam is JosueJedi so as my skype, ive been searching for sombody to play horror games too