Quick Question

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How do big YouTubers hire people to manage their videos and uploads? Wouldn't they need to give them their password and give them access to all their account information.

Perhaps, there is a legal step such as filling disclosure forms and keeping a tight lid on who your team members are in the case that they change your passwords and cause other mayhem.

Any thoughts?
It's simply a question of trust. Large businesses have to entrust people in their accounts departments to have control of the bank account, social media, and quality control of products. Its really no different for a larger YouTube channel.
I would imagine that as the channel grows and the team starts to develop, that trust grows (or not....in which case they need to be fired) and eventually they have access to passwords and suchlike. I would also imagine that the team have a contract with the creator that protects both their rights and those of the creator themselves.

I'm nowhere near being a "Big YouTuber", but I do hire a small team for my videos and am looking at taking on an intern later this year exclusively for filming and editing so that I can increase my output. If they prove themselves over a period of time I may hire them and will have to trust them with various aspects of developing my channel. I think the channel would have to become very big indeed though before I needed to give them account passwords.
What was said above. Trust, and contracts!
Also, they may have the YT account login details, but they most likely don't have the email details.
I believe some password managers are designed for teams as well, and are meant to help with that issue.
Is like on any company around, trust. Is like in a company where there is a group of people who work in the accounting area, counting money, managing bank accounts there is a trust built there :)