Hilarious Commercial!


Thrashimation's Favorite Bat!

Another week, another video! This time is the second episode of the IHC! Watch here for the first if you want to catch up:


This episode shows the first IHC commercial, one of the funniest commercials you'll ever see If you're not sure about us, watch this commercial at 3:31. Once you hear the jingle, I'm sure you'll be hooked!

@Bluebear @ChunkeyPanda @JeriKane @ZombieSlayer1533 @thedigblackbick @benoftheweek @FantasyGamerX @kkushalbeatzz @Stike96 @Fibula
That was hilarious. I can't say how much I love these shorts you've been doing. High quality entertainment. :)

Those baking puns were fantastic. XD

Another week, another video! This time is the second episode of the IHC! Watch here for the first if you want to catch up:


This episode shows the first IHC commercial, one of the funniest commercials you'll ever see If you're not sure about us, watch this commercial at 3:31. Once you hear the jingle, I'm sure you'll be hooked!

@Bluebear @ChunkeyPanda @JeriKane @ZombieSlayer1533 @thedigblackbick @benoftheweek @FantasyGamerX @kkushalbeatzz @Stike96 @Fibula
AHAHAHA the part where hes says, "people of all sexual orientation" and points at Jello XD