Hidden/Revealed additional pixels of video files.

Flint Mich

New Member
I began using moviemakeronline to produce my YT videos because every time I have used one of my PC's to produce videos, I get frame drops or duplicated frames, likely because I have never owned a powerful computer. Yesterday I noticed that moviemakeronline exposed some additional pixels worth of width and height at the right and bottom of the produced video. The additional width and height is not visible when playing the original files via VLC, Irfanview, or WMP. When I produced the same footage with Windows Movie Maker, the produced video looked the same as the original files without the additional width and height. moviemakeronline is doing something different. All of the files I am working with are 320x240, with the exception of about 10 photos. The final product is 1920x1080, so there are black voids at the sides of the footage. The additional width is like an artifact that is a copy of the left edge pixels. The additional height seems to consist of dark grey or black, and does not copy from the top edge pixels. Why is moviemakeronline exposing additional width and height? Perhaps moviemakeronline is neglecting to hide/shed the last bit of width and height like most other programs do for cosmetic reasons. This is very hard for me to explain, so I included two images. One is of the same frame produced with moviemakeronline (MMO), the other is of the same frame produced with Windows Movie Maker (WMM). I selected this frame because on the left is printer paper and the yellow Joe Boxer happy face. Look at the MMO image and notice the location that the printer paper is on the left side, now look at that same position on the right side. That tiny white vertical line and the large yellow vertical line is where the left side is bleeding onto the right. Either this is the nature of the original footage, and most players and editors slightly crop on purpose to hide this ugliness, or it is introduced by moviemakeronline because of a flaw in the program, or moviemakeronline simply does not care about cosmetic and shows every part of each frame, including the rough edges. Regardless, the copied pixels provide a distracting twinkling that is annoying. I need to know what this anomaly is called so I can study it. Thanks for your time.

