Hey whoa now.... Maker Gen Video Manager???


Youtube Reviewer
I was looking through my Maker Max stuff for the hell of it and I just noticed it now has its own video manager? How does that work? It has the option to activate it, but I kinda wanna hear thoughts and opinions from people that have actually used it before messing with it.[DOUBLEPOST=1422505533,1422423165][/DOUBLEPOST]hey whoa... noone? C'mon. Has ANYONE used this new feature?
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I've used it - it's good to be able to have your thumbnail sorted before publishing - and even schedule what time it goes live... Other than that I'm not sure there's much point.
You're right... I think it does. Just been clicking "share" with Imovie so hadn't actually used Youtube's own upload thing properly. No real reason to use MakerGen uploader then.
hi guys, I activated this frame on my maker studio but i was stupid and don't really read the terms. Can someone past it here for me? Does it have any downsides?