Hey guys I need your opinion.


I've Got It
Hey whats up people of Yttalk!? I have some very serious questions to ask you regarding my YouTube channel and future let's plays

1. I would like to hear your opinion on starting a Modded skyrim let's play. My PC can easily handle it and I have been enjoying myself playing it. I just feel like skyrim is no longer a wanted series even if it is modded! Let me know of your opinion below!

2. I am also interested in starting a Rust let's play. It is in alpha as of now and I haven't tested it out yet but I think it would be beneficial to play this game while it is on it's uprising! Let me know of your opinion below!

Thank you guys very much! I appreciate any feedback!
Play what you want and don't care what people want to watch.

It's better to play less know games if you want to get noticed . If you play one of the more popular games you either need to be very lucky or you need to make your video very unique and good not to be considered a small raindrop in the ocean.

My suggestion is to find your own niche and be great at it.
Rust is pretty hip these days, and it's largely unexplored. It's a good idea to choose that over Skyrim, so you'll be able to gain more exposure.
Skyrim can take a long time. It's more of what I would consider a "subscriber series". It's something that's not really searchable, and only your subscribers/the people who are recommended by your subscribers would be interested in watching.
With that being said, there is no miracle series that will get you tons of views. I won't say that your odds of growing doing rust vs skyrim are exactly the same, but I would imagine that they are fairly similar. Plus, you never know, Skyrim could be the one.
Moral of the story? Just do what you want to do and enjoy yourself. The views will come later.