HELP! Youtube has gone blue?


New Member
Hi Everyone,I'm one of those people who just can't use Internet Explorer and for me Opera is the best option,
only problem is, is that it has a few weird glitches here and there.
So I got a problem and I went to the Opera Forums to ask if they maybe knew a solution, but they said that it was a youtube problem and that I had to go on a youtube forum somewhere and ask if maybe they knew what was going on, so that's why I'm here ;)

Today something weird/strange happened to me and I have no clue on how to fix this :S
See the image below
(Be sure to change the 3 '=' signs into dots '.' because I can't post any links or photo's -.-)

I have a wireless keyboard and I always store it underneath my screen, I guess I must have pressed some buttons that made it look like this?
I seriously have no idea, normally I know how to fix most things but this time I've already tried everything,
So if anyone has even a little suggestion I would be really happy!!

I just noticed this and maybe it might help clear up some of the stuff?
i47=tinypic=com/2zg6n0w=png (= means .)
Everything that is related to youtube has turned blue :confused:!?
Wow this is strange. Never seen this problem before. Maybe try contact YouTube to help because I honestly am stuck on this problem.
I'm sorry I really can't help here, I just couldn't help but pop in for a joke... ** clears throat**

" If it's all blue, perhaps it needs cheering up! " HAHA

Hope you fix your problem soon.
i don't know how to fix this but if its only happening on opera and you can't use explorer, then why not try google chrome or mozilla firefox? :)
Wow this is strange. Never seen this problem before. Maybe try contact YouTube to help because I honestly am stuck on this problem.
Yea I've tried to figure that one out but I can't find any way to contact youtube, either they have hidden it well or I'm just plain stupid.
Just like with this site there is a "Contact us" button, but on my youtube there is no such thing :confused:?

I've tried googling to find how to contact them but than I end up at this weird "youtube help" thingy where my problem isn't listed ;S

Anyway thnx for trying I really appreciate the help