help with video titling? please.


I've Got It
Hello everyone!

I have a quick question. I plan on doing lets plays on youtube focused mainly on story games. Should i name the title lets play or walkthrough.
Ie: Let's Play Dark Souls 2 - Part 1 or do Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough Part 1? Just simple titling is all i jeed help with.

Hey there :)

If I was you, I'd name it "Let's Play: Dark Souls 2 - Part 1 (Walkthrough)". That way you're getting everything in there.

Don't forget to make a custom thumbnail to increase exposure! :D

Also add both to the tags, that'll increase the chance too.
Well depends on if it's a Let's Play, or a Walkthrough. Walkthroughs, are you actually helping people go through the game, explaining various tips, tricks, and all that fun stuff. Let's Plays are just that, you playing the game, and letting others watch you, while you talk about your cat Mr. Fluffers. Also, put the title of the game first ;)
Well its a Lets Play then use Lets Play (or other creative lets play ish looking title) if its a walk through then use walk through tohugh both involved playing the game they are still different formats in doing it.
I appreciate all the fast replies! Thank you. I wouldn't say im amazing at finding every thing in a game im playing games more for the experience and the immersion than to find everything does that make sense?
Ignor the basic titles I would say. Think of a title that can capture somebodies attention. You will need to stand out to the list's of "GameTitle" Lets Play - Part *
with so many videos with the same title will just makes the chances of you being clicked low.

So let's view some titles that will stand out:-

GTA V - Lets Play Part 1 Or GTA 5 walkthrough part 1 - [Bad]
GTA V - Lets Play Part 1 Hidden stuff [Good]

So basicaly the interesting parts you see insert it into the Title, on my saints rows video I used an ok-ish title like Lets Play Saints row 4 FIGHTING TOILET!

I hope I helped you