Help Me Pick a Network?


I Love YTtalk
Hello Everyone,

My contract is up soon with Maker. And I'm looking into other options for networks. The split that Maker provides isn't that flattering. I know the folks here have a ton of knowledge on popular networks along with pros/cons so I'm hoping someone is kind enough to throw some opinions at me :)

Background on my channel:
  • 33,000 Subscribers
  • Gaming Channel
  • 300k views/mo past 3 months
  • 6 Videos Per week

Reading / research has pointed me toward two options. Either Curse Network, or No network at all. It seems MCNs have sort of lost their purpose with all the changes that YouTube has implemented over the past year-ish. But I could be missing important details :). The thing I like the most about Maker is their Epidemic Sound subscription. But I'm willing to part with that if I'm getting a significantly higher cut in my earnings.

Let me know what you guys think :)
I would suggest you go with Curse. I've done so much research and I find they're the best right now gaming channels, plus they're on the rise in popularity which means more traffic. For Maker what are you considering? Have you checked the sub-network Polaris? I know a lot of big youtubers are happy with it ^^
From what i can see curse is the way forward, their split is awesome and your not tied into a contract.
Yeah I would agree with Curse I would love to get into that network, but I don't think I have a big enough channel yet.
Curse is a fine place to park your channel if you want to maintain the still in effect instant monetization because of the high rev share and month to month contact term. YouTube hasn't to my knowledge yet implemented their affiliate system that was going to go live in 2013. Don't expect anything else out of them though. Their forum is quiet and they don't provide any additional service.
I would go with Curse, but I don't think that's relevant since I run the network.

As far as extra services go, we're looking to do cool stuff this year. I think it's a good time to join. :)
I would suggest you go with Curse. I've done so much research and I find they're the best right now gaming channels, plus they're on the rise in popularity which means more traffic. For Maker what are you considering? Have you checked the sub-network Polaris? I know a lot of big youtubers are happy with it ^^

I'm sure I'll hear back from Maker if Polaris is an option. I've always been under the impression that Polaris is pretty exclusive for very large channels.
Instead of creating a new thread, I just want some opinions as it is related to the topic. What is people's opinions on the Zoomin.TV/ZoominGames network? I believe I have the option to leave but am not sure if I should. I stupidly joined the network by jumping the gun like many, many new channels do. I wasn't locked in for too long, 3 months actually. I have been with them since soon after GTA V release, so I haven't left yet. Since my channel is basically a nobody channel, would it be smart to part until my channel becomes significant enough? Or just stay and not care?
If it was me in your position it would definitely be Curse. Their CPM is also very high, you meet their requirements and it's a 90/10 percent share from all money earned. The highest I know of. Hope this helps!
