Help me finding new names

Benedikt Brunner

YTtalk Mad
My current YouTube name is Moustache spy and I'm actually fine with the name but I wanted to see if I could come up with an even better name.
But it seems I need some help coming up with one so I wanna ask you guys if you could help me.
So my real name is Benedikt Brunner( The English version would be Ben )
Brunner is my family name.
I make animations and Let's Plays ( currently my Pc is broken so I can't of cource. Also I do all kind of games . A hame that I do for Commentarys is Team Fortress 2 ) and maybe sketches some time later.
I already came up with a few but they aren't good
- Team Moustache
- Mr. Mustache
So i need help with them
NOTE: I'm not actually planing of changing it I just wanna see if we can come up with a better one.
So I hope this is not expecting too much of you and I would be really thankful if you could help me out on this one :D
Bye c:
Haha bro this is second time u r confused abt ur channel name lol... Honestly moustache spy is really cool name...
Just to revive the topic and to make things clear.
It doesn't have to have my name or Moustache in it.
It can be anything. Please just make some answers. No matter how stupid
Moved this to the Branding & Channel Design section for you. I'm terrible with coming up with names lol.

Box Spread.
Ben the Molten Meteor Average Human.
Pepperjack Thundercorn.
Firetruck Barricade.

If none of those names do it for you, then I don't know what will. :xd: