Help me come up with a name!?

Melissa April

Liking YTtalk
Hello everyone,
On my beauty channel I'm thinking about doing a talking series...I've been trying to come up with a name for this series but cannot think of any =( Can anybody come up with a good one for me!?
I'm thinking the shorter it is the better so that my titles aren't to channel name is called Ready Reckless I was going to call this talking series 'Reckless Ramble' but its to long!
I will of course give you a shout out on my channel for helping me out!

Thanks! :)
Reckless Ramble is good, why do you consider it too long? It's 2 words.

Thanks, I just for some reason thought the title of my video would be to long for example "What I look for in a guy | Reckless Ramble" But I guess it's not actually that bad :p thanks for your help![DOUBLEPOST=1435419182,1435419075][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't think Reckless Rambles is too long at all! I really like how it sounds :)
Thank you!
I'm definitely going to call my talking series Reckless Ramble then! :) Thank you for your help!